diff --git a/ui/src/locales/fr.json b/ui/src/locales/fr.json
index 57ffd4f276941a643e4a30c61edbd50f7e15d5f6..f0a3560187aca294528a479bcd0566fbcab6869b 100644
--- a/ui/src/locales/fr.json
+++ b/ui/src/locales/fr.json
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
         "authorizationScopeVariableComponentWrongChecker": "Le composant <code>{component}</code> de la variable <code>{variable}</code> ne peut pas être utilisé comme portant l’information temporelle car ce n’est pas une donnée déclarée comme <code>{expectedChecker}</code>",
         "authorizationVariableComponentKeyMissingComponent": "Il faut indiquer le composant de la variable <code>{variable}</code> dans laquelle on recueille les informations spatiales à laquelle rattacher la donnée pour le gestion des droits jeu de données <code>{dataType}</code> pour l'autorisation <code>{authorizationName}</code>. Valeurs possibles <code>{knownComponents}</code>",
         "authorizationVariableComponentKeyUnknownComponent": "<code>{component}</code> ne fait pas partie des composants connus pour la variable <code>{variable}</code>. Composants connus : <code>{knownComponents}</code>",
-        "badauthorizationscopeforrepository": "L'autorisation <code>{authorization}</code>) doit être <code>{expectedValue}/code> et non <code>{givenValue}</code>",
+        "badauthorizationscopeforrepository": "L'autorisation (<code>{authorization}</code>) doit être <code>{expectedValue}</code> et non <code>{givenValue}</code>",
         "checkerExpressionReturnedFalse": "La contrainte suivante n'est pas respectée : <code>{expression}</code>",
         "csvBoundToUnknownVariable": "Dans le format CSV, l’entête <code>{header}</code> est lié à la variable <code>{variable}</code> qui n’est pas connue. Variables connues <code>{variables}</code>",
         "csvBoundToUnknownVariableComponent": "Dans le format CSV, l’entête <code>{header}</code> est lié à la variable <code>{variable}</code> mais elle n’a pas de composant <code>{component}</code>. Composants connus <code>{components}</code>",
diff --git a/ui/src/services/AlertService.js b/ui/src/services/AlertService.js
index 3b4aada75b398d87c8c627164e41fc9f74d146e8..e21c81b55ef551103fef76ca621a57f905cf8623 100644
--- a/ui/src/services/AlertService.js
+++ b/ui/src/services/AlertService.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import {i18n} from "@/main";
-import {BuefyTypes} from "@/utils/BuefyUtils";
-import {ToastProgrammatic, DialogProgrammatic} from "buefy";
+import { i18n } from "@/main";
+import { BuefyTypes } from "@/utils/BuefyUtils";
+import { ToastProgrammatic, DialogProgrammatic } from "buefy";
 const TOAST_INFO_DURATION = 3000;
@@ -10,66 +10,66 @@ const TOAST_POSITION = "is-top";
  * Un service pour gérer les différents messages d'alerte et popup d'info s'affichant sur l'application
 export class AlertService {
-    static INSTANCE = new AlertService();
+  static INSTANCE = new AlertService();
-    toastSuccess(message) {
-        ToastProgrammatic.open({
-            message: message,
-            type: BuefyTypes.SUCCESS,
-            duration: TOAST_INFO_DURATION,
-            position: TOAST_POSITION,
-        });
-    }
+  toastSuccess(message) {
+    ToastProgrammatic.open({
+      message: message,
+      type: BuefyTypes.SUCCESS,
+      duration: TOAST_INFO_DURATION,
+      position: TOAST_POSITION,
+    });
+  }
+  toastWarn(message, error) {
+    console.warn("[WARNING] " + message, error);
+    ToastProgrammatic.open({
+      message: message,
+      type: BuefyTypes.WARNING,
+      duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
+      position: TOAST_POSITION,
+    });
+  }
-    toastWarn(message, error) {
-        console.warn("[WARNING] " + message, error);
+  toastError(message, error) {
+    if (error.content) {
+      error.content.then((t) => {
-            message: message,
-            type: BuefyTypes.WARNING,
-            duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
-            position: TOAST_POSITION,
+          message: i18n.t("exceptionMessage." + t.message, t.params),
+          type: BuefyTypes.DANGER,
+          duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
+          position: TOAST_POSITION,
+      });
+    } else {
+      ToastProgrammatic.open({
+        message: message,
+        type: BuefyTypes.DANGER,
+        duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
+        position: TOAST_POSITION,
+      });
+  }
-    toastError(message, error) {
-        if (error.content) {
-            error.content.then((t) => {
-                ToastProgrammatic.open({
-                    message: i18n.t('exceptionMessage.' + t.message, t.params),
-                    type: BuefyTypes.DANGER,
-                    duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
-                    position: TOAST_POSITION,
-                });
-            })
-        } else {
-            ToastProgrammatic.open({
-                message: message,
-                type: BuefyTypes.DANGER,
-                duration: TOAST_ERROR_DURATION,
-                position: TOAST_POSITION,
-            });
-        }
+  toastServerError(error) {
+    if (error.content != null) {
+      error.content.then((value) => this.toastError(value.message, error));
+    } else {
+      this.toastError(i18n.t("alert.server-error"), error);
+  }
-    toastServerError(error) {
-        if (error.content != null) {
-            error.content.then((value) => this.toastError(value.message, error));
-        } else {
-            this.toastError(i18n.t("alert.server-error"), error);
-        }
-    }
-    dialog(title, message, confirmText, type, onConfirmCb) {
-        DialogProgrammatic.confirm({
-            title: title,
-            message: message,
-            confirmText: confirmText,
-            type: type,
-            hasIcon: true,
-            cancelText: this.cancelMsg,
-            onConfirm: () => {
-                onConfirmCb();
-            },
-        });
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+  dialog(title, message, confirmText, type, onConfirmCb) {
+    DialogProgrammatic.confirm({
+      title: title,
+      message: message,
+      confirmText: confirmText,
+      type: type,
+      hasIcon: true,
+      cancelText: this.cancelMsg,
+      onConfirm: () => {
+        onConfirmCb();
+      },
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/ui/src/services/ErrorsService.js b/ui/src/services/ErrorsService.js
index 2497aefdd7d4038ce23811c5c970b3a59f856bc1..5ce86195336509ed99da279955d64e905bc23c0b 100644
--- a/ui/src/services/ErrorsService.js
+++ b/ui/src/services/ErrorsService.js
@@ -139,7 +139,18 @@ export class ErrorsService {
       const func = ERRORS[csvError.validationCheckResult.message];
       if (csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target != null) {
         if (csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target.column != null) {
-          csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target = csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target.column;
+          csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target =
+            csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.target.column;
+        }
+      }
+      if(csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.expectedValue != null || csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.givenValue != null) {
+        if (csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.expectedValue.sql != null) {
+          csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.expectedValue =
+            csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.expectedValue.sql;
+        }
+        if(csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.givenValue.sql != null) {
+          csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.givenValue =
+              csvError.validationCheckResult.messageParams.givenValue.sql;
       if (!func) {
@@ -153,4 +164,4 @@ export class ErrorsService {
       return func(params);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/src/views/datatype/DataTypesRepositoryView.vue b/ui/src/views/datatype/DataTypesRepositoryView.vue
index 1af62cef77cf470fc30ff67ed9e80e923bc1dbe2..816e9c71bebeec4094aa084c63fde20a0b510a8f 100644
--- a/ui/src/views/datatype/DataTypesRepositoryView.vue
+++ b/ui/src/views/datatype/DataTypesRepositoryView.vue
@@ -191,7 +191,21 @@
+                <div v-if="errorsMessages.length" style="margin: 10px">
+                  <div v-for="msg in errorsMessages" v-bind:key="msg">
+                    <b-message
+                        :title="$t('message.data-type-config-error')"
+                        type="is-danger"
+                        has-icon
+                        :aria-close-label="$t('message.close')"
+                        class="mt-4 DataTypesManagementView-message"
+                    >
+                      <span v-html="msg" />
+                    </b-message>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
                 <th align>{{ $t("dataTypesRepository.table-file-data-id") }}</th>
                 <th align>{{ $t("dataTypesRepository.table-file-data-size") }}</th>
@@ -272,6 +286,7 @@ import { Dataset } from "@/model/file/Dataset";
 import { InternationalisationService } from "@/services/InternationalisationService";
 import { LOCAL_STORAGE_LANG } from "@/services/Fetcher";
 import DropDownMenu from "@/components/common/DropDownMenu";
+import {HttpStatusCodes} from "@/utils/HttpUtils";
   components: { DropDownMenu, CollapsibleTree, PageView, SubMenu },
@@ -305,6 +320,7 @@ export default class DataTypesRepositoryView extends Vue {
   endDate = null;
   comment = "";
   currentDataset = null;
+  errorsMessages = [];
   mounted() {
     this.$on("authorizationChanged", this.updateDatasets);
@@ -471,29 +487,67 @@ export default class DataTypesRepositoryView extends Vue {
-      console.log(fileOrId);
       this.$emit("uploaded", uuid);
   async publish(dataset, pusblished) {
+    this.errorsMessages = [];
     dataset.params.published = pusblished;
     let requiredauthorizations = dataset.params.binaryFiledataset.requiredauthorizations;
     requiredauthorizations = Object.keys(requiredauthorizations).reduce(function (acc, key) {
       acc[key] = acc[key] ? acc[key].sql : "";
       return acc;
     }, requiredauthorizations);
-    console.log("requiredauthorizations", requiredauthorizations);
     dataset.params.binaryFiledataset.requiredauthorizations = requiredauthorizations;
-    console.log("binaryFiledataset", dataset.params.binaryFiledataset);
     var fileOrId = new FileOrUUID(dataset.id, dataset.params.binaryFiledataset, pusblished);
-    var uuid = await this.dataService.addData(
-      this.applicationName,
-      this.dataTypeId,
-      null,
-      fileOrId
-    );
-    this.$emit("published", uuid.fileId);
+    try {
+      var uuid = await this.dataService.addData(
+          this.applicationName,
+          this.dataTypeId,
+          null,
+          fileOrId
+      );
+      this.$emit("published", uuid.fileId);
+      this.alertService.toastSuccess(this.$t("alert.data-updated"));
+    } catch (error) {
+      this.checkMessageErrors(error);
+    }
+  }
+  checkMessageErrors(error) {
+    let message = [];
+    if (error.httpResponseCode === HttpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST) {
+      if (error.content != null) {
+        this.errorsList = [];
+        error.content.then((value) => {
+          for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+            if (message.length > 0) {
+              if (JSON.stringify(value[i]) !== JSON.stringify(value[i-message.length])) {
+                console.log(message)
+                this.errorsList.push(value[i]);
+              }
+              for(let j = 0; j < message.length; j++) {
+                if (!message.includes(value[i].validationCheckResult.message)) {
+                  message.push(value[i].validationCheckResult.message);
+                }
+              }
+            } else {
+              message.push(value[i].validationCheckResult.message);
+              this.errorsList.push(value[i]);
+            }
+          }
+          console.log(this.errorsList)
+          if (this.errorsList.length !== 0) {
+            this.errorsMessages = this.errorsService.getCsvErrorsMessages(this.errorsList);
+          } else {
+            this.errorsMessages = this.errorsService.getErrorsMessages(error);
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    } else {
+      this.alertService.toastServerError(error);
+    }
   selectAuthorization(key, event) {