Etienne Rifa authoredEtienne Rifa authored
MSPT: new submodule of Isoplot, able to analysis "pascal triangle" sample to validate experiment. (ref. Millard, Pierre, et al. 2014. “Isotopic Studies of Metabolic Systems by Mass Spectrometry: Using Pascal’s Triangle To Produce Biological Standards with Fully Controlled Labeling Patterns.” Analytical Chemistry 86 (20): 10288–95. https://doi.org/10.1021/ac502490g; https://github.com/llegregam/PascalTriangle)
Isoplot: New module to generate plot for isotopic MS data
Features added since last release:
rbase graphics show faster rendering than ggplot.
users can apply yaxis minimum / maximum limits and steps size, for ggplots figures and rbase graphics
boxplot with ggstatsplots, pdf and image outputs
metadata template based on features table
vertical / horizontal display, labels size control for ggplot outputs.
download all boxplots in png/jpg format in a single archive
button to download tests datasets
widget to output specific features
conditionnal popping buttons avoiding confusion
new button to download all ACP files run / update ACP with one button.
metadata filters
disabling statistics tests when plotting individuals boxplots.
New widget allowing user to sum quantification of compounds belonging the same group
PCA: combining factors, display ellipses or not
Boxplots: pngs output for each graphic
add new input modules with filters widgets (datamods package) add options for boxplots: coloring boxplots, custom y axis label, inform outliers or not, and reordering/stashing boxplot conditions (sortable package) modularizing code +debug 1.4.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.